WOW Science

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Researchers at Harvard Medical School and the Harvard Stem Cell Institute studying embryonic development have identified a mechanism that helps explain how cells choose to become different types.

The researchers previously made the surprising discovery that changes in metabolism influence how cells communicate with each other, which in turn affects what cell type they become. Now, the team has pinpointed how metabolism and cell signaling are connected: by a change in the acidity, or pH levels, of the cellular environment.

The findings, published June 24 in Nature, have implications for regenerative medicine and cancer.


09.07.2020 19:02 • x 1 #1

Das könnte zu Ideen führen, wie man die Entdifferenzierung bei der Tumorentwicklung rückgängig machen oder zumindest stoppen könnte - Danke - total interessant!

09.07.2020 19:12 • x 1 #2

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