Endlich Klarheit

A message from someone I didn't know
He had your name
And my heart stopped
...It wasn't you

I'm crushed
I wished it would have been you
And at the same time I was so afraid it was you
One wasted sleepless night 
But are you even worth it?

Slowly I understand why we had to say goodbye
Another meet up wouldn't have changed a single thing
You knew that before me
You were the one in charge

It's because of you
And your personality
I see that now
You and me was never an option to be considered
So better heal the scars
And move on

You decided for us what was best
You didn't even ask me
Because it was for your best not mine
You didn't even consider what was best for me
And that is part of your problem

I wondered what I would have said
If you'd sat down with me and told me that you wanted me back

I realized the answer would have been no
With all what I know about you
I couldn't have done it.
I need to guard my heart
Especially from you

But I know now you loved me
As much as you with your heart and personality could

So let's say I'm glad you weren't the one with the message
Cause it wouldn't have changed a single thing

And for me
Move on
Accept the longing for a feeling long gone
Maybe even the longing for a guy who was never mine
And move on

31.05.2016 13:24 • x 2 #1

Pain demands to be felt

31.05.2016 14:07 • x 1 #2


Endlich Klarheit

x 3

I'm too big of an Ar. for you
Was your reply
When I asked you why you let me go

I thought it was your standard phrase to throw out
When a Mädchen asks why you hurt her

Taking no responsibilities for your actions. Thats so you

But the truth isn't black or white
Because it was actually what you thought of yourself

When I pointed out all the good things about you
You denied it
I know myself too well to see that I'm neither a wonderful person nor beautiful
Was your answer

I had to accept that
But now after such a long time I see what you meant
You acted like an Ar.
You didn't respect me or my feelings
You put the blame on me

That was the real you

31.05.2016 22:58 • #3

Better disappointed than to never feel anything.

It shapes you, teaches you, makes a new person out of you.

And that's always for the better.

02.06.2016 15:06 • #4

Zitat von Gus:
Pain demands to be felt

Pain can be controlled. You just disconnect it.

Kyle Reese (gespielt von Michael Biehn) im Film Terminator, 1984

02.06.2016 19:10 • x 5 #5

Zitat von Blanca:
Zitat von Gus:
Pain demands to be felt

Pain can be controlled. You just disconnect it.

Kyle Reese (gespielt von Michael Biehn) im Film Terminator, 1984

as long as you feel it, just like a feeling my dear

02.06.2016 19:56 • #6

Danke für eure Antworten!

After all this time
I think I found a way to let go of you
You didn't treat me with respect
You said one thing, did the opposite and blamed me for it

I was too harsh
I was the reason why we couldn't be together
According to you
When in fact you're not capable of maintaining a healthy relationship
You knew that
admitted it to me after a long time

You knew my weak spots
And used it against me

I was blind
Never felt anything close to what I've felt for you
Two addicts drowned into each other
I was desperate for a life with you
That's what made it so hard to move on
But now I know
I deserve better than you

You loved me with all your heart
But your behaviour was real
It was the real you

03.06.2016 17:16 • #7

Zitat von Herzblume:
Better disappointed than to never feel anything.

It shapes you, teaches you, makes a new person out of you.

And that's always for the better.

Das Problem ist halt, wenn es so intensiv war, dass es schwer ist drüber hinwegzukommen...

03.06.2016 17:17 • #8

Ich dacht ich könnte dich gehen lassen
doch so war es nicht

ein paar Wochen und Ereignisse später
sassen wir zusammen am See
und haben geredet
Endlich geredet

Ich an deinen wunderbar weichen Körper gekuschelt
Du hattest deine Arme um mich gelegt
So sollte es sein
So sollte es immer sein

Wo sind die letzten drei Jahre hin?
Wohin die ganzen Lügen und Enttäuschungen?
Der Schmerz

Doch da war kein Du und Ich mehr
Da war nur noch ein Uns
Du warst mir nah
Genauso wie ich dir nah war
Als wäre nichts passiert

Ich hätte dich am liebsten gefragt
Lass uns einen Neustart wagen
Es irgendwie versuchen
Ich tat es nicht

Und so blieb mir nur eines
Dich gehen zu lassen
Mein wunderbarster
und einzigartigster Mr. T.

12.09.2016 15:00 • #9


x 4

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